Spice Up Quarantine with a Backyard Beer Mile
Worldwide, we are all under some form of quarantine, shelter-in-place, or stay-at-home order due to COVID-19. During these stressful times, it is still important to make life fun and interesting even if we are limited to the confines of our home or property. What better source of fun than a beer mile?
These past few weeks, we have seen people worldwide turn lemons into lemonade (or shall we say hops into ale) and complete virtual beer miles in their backyards or neighborhoods. All it takes is a little creativity.
Even if you aren't following official beer mile rules, the beer mile gods will still condone your behavior. It's the spirit that counts.
Join the discussion on the message boards here: Quarantine Beer Mile Forum
The Instagram Live Beer Mile
Entertain yourself and your friends by doing it live! It's as easy as setting up your phone or camera next to your chug zone and plotting out a .25 mile loop around your house or neighborhood.
Your spectators will get to watch you either struggle or thrive downing each of your beers in the chug zone. Knowing you have an audience will give you the extra edge to push through the pain.
The Treadmill Beer Mile
If your yard or neighborhood isn't well suited for a beer mile — or if you are shy about neighbors witnessing the greatness — then the treadmill beer mile may be your thing. This makes it simple to have your beers at your fingertips and doesn't require measuring a course.
As an added bonus, your fans and followers can watch the entire event since you stay in one place. Set up your phone and do it live with your friends to turn it into a competition.
Virtual Beer Mile for Charity
We've seen some clubs and groups take the virtual beer mile to a whole 'nother level by pledging money for charity to spice up their beer mile. The Peaked Too Early Podcast is one example of a public beer mile where anyone could join the fun and help support charity.
Even the Pros Are Still Beer Miling
The updates have continued pouring in from elite beer milers and teams like the Norwegian Beer Mile Team, Sweden Beer Mile Team, and Germany Beer Mile Team. Even while social distancing, the pros are continuing to train and get their practice beer miles in.
Following the elites on social media should give you the inspiration and motivation you need to get your next virtual beer mile set up.
Swedish beer milers entering the chug zone in a practice beer mile. Follow the Sweden Beer Mile Team on Instagram for an abundance of entertainment.
Chris Robertson completing a Natty Ice neighborhood beer mile. Follow Chris Robertson on Instgram
Train for the Beer Mile with La Croix
If you want to get in on the beer mile action but want to limit the alcohol intake, then the La Croix mile is a perfect way to practice. You could complete several of these a day if desired, and the only side effect will be excessive hydration and clear urine.
Once the shelter in place orders have been lifted, you will be ready to take down your friends and teammates after practicing with La Croix during the quarantine period.
Make sure you have swag for your virtual beer mile
Look good, feel good. Make sure your swag is on point for your next beer mile endeavor.