Shelby Houlihan Destroys the Beer Mile World Record
The return of the Beer Mile World Classic to the United States after an 8-year hiatus was highly anticipated, and it did not disappoint. The deepest beer mile fields ever assembled gathered in Chicago for the 9th annual World Classic on July 1, 2023 to duke it out for world titles, records, and glory.
Shelby Houlihan Becomes First Woman to Break the 6-Minute Barrier with a 5:43 Beer Mile
Much like the men's 5-minute beer mile barrier that was once thought impossible a decade ago, the 6-minute barrier for women stood the test of time — until the 2023 Beer Mile World Classic.
Shelby Houlihan crushed the barrier, finishing in 5:43 with a 63-second final 400m with four beers in her stomach. She ran her mile in roughly 4:25, which was quicker than most elite men covered the distance, and consumed her 4 beers in roughly 1:18.
View the full 2023 Beer Mile World Classic Race Recap
Watch Shelby Houlihan's Race
Watch the Full 2023 Beer Mile World Classic Broadcast