Beer Mile Memes
The dankest beer mile memes
The beer mile is so special that it can sometimes be difficult to comprehend by outsiders who have never witnessed one. What better way to explain the beer mile than with memes. That's something we can understand.
This just about sums up the beer mile.

The beer mile must be run with beer that is 5% or greater alcohol content. Plus, it just tastes better.

We all know one of these beer mile imposters. Friends don't let friends do a beer mile with only 3 beers.

When Mr. Steal Yo Girl steps up and out-chugs the entire field.

Weird flex, but ok. Puke before the finish and you must run an additional, penalty lap.

And yes, there will be many reversals of fortune.

Start 'em young. Guaranteed beer mile world record holder once he graduates to the brewskis.

How will your child be the next beer mile world record holder if you don't expose them young?
The beer mile usually leads to even more tomfoolery at the nearby pub.

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